Our annual email campaign will kick-off July 8 for Song and July 9 for Cheer. This is a great opportunity to reach out to friends and family to support your pep squad member directly. All donations (less fees) will be applied directly to your squad members annual personal contribution goal. More info to come soon!
Our annual Fall Kids Camp fundraiser is a great way to reach out to all the future Wolverines. Local youth will join all ANHS Pep Squads on Friday October 25th after school to learn cheers and dances that they will perform that evening at our Varisty Football Home Game against Orange High School. Sign up info and volunteer opportunities to come soon!
Football Game Concessions
This year our Pep Squad has been given the generous opportunity to host a Snack Bar at all home Frosh/JV Football games. Thank you to local food trucks for their support in hosting at our Frosh and JV Home Football games for the 2024 season!